2021-04-18 - Dewey Park Murals

^z 8th March 2023 at 7:28am

~6.9 mi @ ~21.9 min/mi

"The best macarons in this world, so far!" says 🤖, after he tries a cookie from Java Nation. Sunday morning's solo meander starts in the KenGar neighborhood and explores alleys on both sides of Connecticut Ave in downtown Kensington. Near the ballfields a new wetland is covered with a wire grid and sparkly-shiny ribbons to ward off waterfowl. Soon 🔍 and 🐻 arrive, then 🥻 finishing her run, followed by 🌗. Bright murals by Juan Pineda decorate sheds at Dewey Park near the in-line-skating hockey rink and playgrounds.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2021-05-21